Journal of Research (Urdu), BZU - Multan

(جرنل آف ریسرچ (اردو

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (Pakistan)
ISSN (print): 1726-9067
ISSN (online): 1816-3424

Cognitive Neuroscience In Second Language Acquisition

  • Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Arif/
  • December 31, 2002
English Grammar L2 Learners School Congnitice Neuroscience Second Language Acquisition

In the investigation of the morphosyntactic development of the English verb, this study examines whether or not the cognitive neuroscience has any role in the acquisition of the inflectional category by L2 learners from the beginning, that is, if the functional category I exists in L2 grammars from the earliest stages which is guided by some pre-programmed sequence guided by mental cognition. Furthermore, this study will also reveal some striking facts from Urdu pronouns which show some acquisition problems in the syntactic representation of English grammar. We adopted the hypotheses that the acquisition of the English inflectional morphology develops in brain similarly across all L2 learners in which the functional category I is present in the L2 grammars from the beginning, but the features [+tense, +agr] of I develop separately over time. The study of syntactic development proceeds with the framework of the Government-Binding Theory (Chomsky 1981, 1986). The data were drawn from random sample of 240 normally distributed population learning English as their second language cross-sectionally  (from different groups of L2 learners, where each group was exposed to a specific teaching time, that is, of interest for us) in classes at school.


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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, G.C. University, Faisalabad



Type: Article
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Language: English
Id: 5e85e6b18a4c7
Pages 19 - 46
Discipline: English
Published December 31, 2002


  • 382
  • 107
  • 78


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