Journal of Research (Urdu), BZU - Multan

(جرنل آف ریسرچ (اردو

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (Pakistan)
ISSN (print): 1726-9067
ISSN (online): 1816-3424

غیر ملکی زبان کےطور پر اردو کی تدریس میں روانی سے پڑھنا، یاد رکھنا اور بھولنا

  • Dr. Aykut Kismir/
  • December 31, 2021
Reading Habit, Memory, Reminiscence and Forgetting in Teaching Urdu as a Foreign Language
Foreign Language, Urdu, Memory, Reminiscence, Reading Habit

Developments in other disciplines in the field of education bring the search for new ideas to reach information, learn to learn, and use what has been learned in necessary situations in Urdu language education as a Foreign Language .Education programs around the world need to be renewed within the framework of new student-centered approaches. It is important for students to be active in the learning process, to have the right skills and to keep up with the information age. Reading and reading comprehension, as well as remembering and memory studies are one of the basic issues to be considered in Urdu Language.Literary texts in Urdu have an important role in the teaching and learning process in terms of cultural learning/country knowledge. So why is it important? The concept of "cultural, literary text" refers to the norms and values of a community and points to their common identity. In this case, literary text analysis (tale, poem, short story, etc.) used in foreign language teaching contributes to the development of the student's learning strategy as a tool of cultural memory.


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Dr. Aykut Kismir

Associate Professor

Department of Urdu, Ankara University, Ankara




Type: Article
Volume: 37
Issue: 2
Language: Urdu
Id: 61d17b655023a
Pages 79 - 90
Discipline: Urdu
Published December 31, 2021


  • 248
  • 93
  • 112


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