Journal of Research (Urdu), BZU - Multan

(جرنل آف ریسرچ (اردو

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (Pakistan)
ISSN (print): 1726-9067
ISSN (online): 1816-3424

Allama Abul Imtiaz Abdul Sattar Muslim (A.S. Muslim) is known as the famous creator of children's literature in Urdu. The creative tradition of children's literature is not new but poets like Nazir Akbar Abadi have ignited this tradition by creating literature especially for children since the classical era of Urdu poetry. Later, two important students of Ghalib, Hali and Ismail Mirathi, played their important in this tradition. In modern times, the name of Sufi Tabassum is especially important in this regard. A.S. Muslim as a creative writer of children literature, wrote on every important subject including religion, nationality, science and ethics, and nurtured the knowledge of the children of the nation through his poems. This article presents an analytical study of children's literature written by A.S. Muslim.


Department of Urdu, Department of Urdu, Al Azhar University, Cairo




Type: Article
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Language: English
Id: 60eadb4a63dbb
Pages 127 - 136
Discipline: Urdu
Published June 30, 2021


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