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- Dr. M. Khawar Nawazish attends a meeting at PHEC
Dr. M. Khawar Nawazish attends a meeting at PHEC

Dr. Muhammad Khawar Nawazish meets Chairman PHEC Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid and the editors of various research journals.
Dr. Muhammad Khawar Nawazish meets Chairman PHEC Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid and the editors of various research journals.
A consultative meeting of the editors of local journals held at Punjab Higher Education Commission Lahore on March 13, 2020. Dr. Muhammad Khawar Nawazish, Sub Editor of the Journal of Research (Urdu), attended the meeting and met with Chairman Punjab Higher Education Commission, Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid. He raised some very valid points about the evaluation process of the Urdu Research Journals, asking the house to mention the name of academically more advanced country of Urdu Studies than Pakistan. He emphasises to reconsider the critera of experts for evaluating the articles of Urdu. Dr. M. Afzal Butt (Editor, Tehqeeqi Jareeda, GCWU, Sialkot) and Dr. Tariq Mahmood Hashmi (Editor, Zuban o Adab, GCU Faisalabad) endorsed this point and ask the Chairman to please look into this matter seriously to boost the level of research especially in Urdu and other local languages.